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SSTESOL Journal Manuscript Guidelines

• The manuscript should appeal to the instructional, administrative, or research interests of TESOL educators at various levels, such as adult education, K-12 issues, or teacher education issues.
• The manuscript should be substantive and present new ideas or new applications of information related to current trends in the field.
• The manuscript should be well written, clearly organized, and carefully proofed.
• A complete reference list should be supplied at the end of the manuscript, and the entire manuscript should be formatted according to guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th Ed. (2001) or later.
• Manuscripts should generally be no longer than 15-20 double-spaced pages.
• An abstract of 150 words or less should accompany each manuscript.
• A biographical statement of 50 words or less should be included for each author. Information should include current job or title, institution, degrees held, professional experience, and any other relevant information.
• Please include a cover letter with the name, postal and e-mail address, and phone number of the first author (or other contact person) clearly noted.
• Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format as an e-mail attachment and sent to Tony Erben, Editor c/o
• Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word. Camera-ready figures and tables are requested.
• Manuscripts are accepted throughout the year and sent out for double-blind peer review.
• Reviews may take up to three months. Revisions are usually expected within one month (30 days) after receiving the initial review.

Book Review Guidelines

• Materials reviewed must have been published within the last three years.
• Reviews should be a maximum of three pages. (double spaced).
• Each review must provide complete bibliographic information, a description of the book/material, the audience for whom it is designed and how well it accomplishes its purpose.
• A cover letter should provide the author's name, email address, telephone number and a brief (25 word) bibliographic statement.
• Reviews should be sent as an email attachment.


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Last updated December 10, 2024

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