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SSTESOL grants, awards, scholarships, and honors


The SSTESOL Grants, Awards, Scholarships, and Honors Program was designed to honor and recognize excellence in the field and research, and to provide financial support to SSTESOL members to attend the annual SSTESOL Conference and Exhibits. Each year, SSTESOL offers members an opportunity to apply for these awards and grants.

2022 Awards and Scholarships

Megan Derrick of the University of South Florida. Awarded a Conference Grant.

Jaddy Brigitte Nielsen of FUNIFELT International/2nd Grade. Awarded a Teacher Mini-Grant for Apps to Accelerate Second Language Acquisition.

Hector Gabriel Ramos Amador of Seminole State College. Awarded the Dr. Goussakova/SSTESOL Scholarship.

University of Central Florida School of Teacher Education, submitted by Dr. Joyce Nutta. Awarded the Institutional Excellence Award.

Mary Quijano of the Literacy Coalition of Upper Pinellas. Awarded a Teacher Mini-Grant for Study Materials to Build Vocabulary for TOEFL Prep.

Aaron Gonzalez Romero of Pasco High School. Award the Dr. Arnhilda Badia/SSTESOL Scholarship.

Dr. John Liontas of the University of South Florida. Awarded the Outstanding Educator Award.

Dr. Arlene Costello of the Florida Department of Education. Awarded the SSTESOL President's Award for Leadership and Service.


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Last updated July 6, 2024

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